22 Mar 2008

blog move

I have decided to move the blog over to wordpress as they offer more for your money, even though both are free ;)

Anyway, the new page is here:

No more posts will be made to this page.

HD Usage Screenlet v0.1 released!

Another day, another screenlet, this time a nice HD usage app, enjoy :)

Download: gnome-look.org

Clock Ring Screenlet v0.2 released

Download from gnome-look.org.

- Added options to light all blocks up to and including the current
- Added option for block spacing

21 Mar 2008

Netmon Screenlet v0.2 released

I have released v0.2 of my Netmon Screenlet, grab from gnome-look.org

v0.2 (20/03/2008)
- Added options to disable upload/download data so you can have two seperate graphs should you want to.
- Added bit/byte display.
- Added line-graph mode with the option to fill (Now the default as I think it looks nicer ;)
- Added line-width option
- Added configurable text, now YOU get to decide what info to display :)
- Reworked the graph scaling, you can now overscale by a percentage and/or scale the graph to a certain size.
- Changed the default colors to opaque so people without compositing can see things. (Damn you screenlets .12)

19 Mar 2008

Clock Ring Screenlet v0.1 released

I've released yet another clock screenlet ;)
This time in the form of a ring, you can grab it from gnome-look.org.

21 Feb 2008

Netmon Screenlet v0.1 released!

Decided to release my DU-Meter style screenlet, you can grab it from gnome-look.org as usual :)

17 Feb 2008

HellaScreenlet v0.7 released

Grab it from gnome-look.org.

- Added 'Force' menu options
- Fixed bug with times in download notification window